The Carr Report: Saving Challenge 2025

In 2021, I received an inbox message from a friend. She informed me about a “Saving Challenge” she was inspired to do.  In 2022, on New Year’s Day, she inboxed me again saying Happy New Year. She included a photo of a pile of cash that was at least three-feet high. She said she had saved a total of $4,610 from her saving challenge.

After seeing her success with this challenge, I thought it would be a good idea for me to challenge all my readers and followers to a saving challenge. I will participate in this challenge. It has become an annual thing for us. Waking up on New Year’s Day to count a wad of cash is fun! I look forward to it.

Many of my Facebook followers participated. There were three stories involving people who attempted the challenge but didn’t complete it.  One used the savings to pay for her son’s high school graduation party. Another used the savings to fly her daughter from Atlanta to Pittsburgh to be home for the holidays. The last person used the savings to purchase her grandchildren Christmas gifts. Although they didn’t complete the challenge to the end, the money they were able to save was used for a good cause.

There were a few people who completed the challenge. One person used the savings to pay for a vacation. Another person used the savings for a home improvement project. As for me, I saved $100 per pay which added up to $2,400. I gave my wife $300 to spend on whatever she wanted. I took $300 and bought some personal items. I used $500 to take my wife out on a date. The date included dinner and a trip to the casino. We didn’t win but we had fun. I still have $1,300 left. I haven’t decided what I wanted to do with it as of yet. I simply like the idea of having extra money that is not earmarked for anything.

Saving money is the cornerstone of sound money management. Saving money is how you create financial stability, financial security and financial independence.  Sadly, Americans grossly undersave money.  We live in a culture and an economy that thrives on spending money. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning until the time we close our eyes to go to sleep, we’re inundated with marketing messages via TV, radio, print media, social media, and podcast with one goal in mind—to extract money out of our pockets into theirs. 

Money is the greatest magician. It can disappear before our eyes without us ever knowing.  We have to make saving money a priority because saving money is how we flex our money muscles.

Having gone through the saving challenge twice, I decided to simplify the challenge. I wanted to make it easy to understand and practical for all to do.

The main takeaway from this challenge is for all of us to develop the habit of consistently saving money. As we develop our saving habits, we grow our saving muscles allowing us to save more and more. Doing this allows us to eventually grow our savings and investment accounts.

This saving challenge is in addition to money you may be saving or investing at this time including your retirement savings.

Saving Challenge Explained:

  • Set A Savings Goal: Put that money on a mission. Establish a reason for why you’re saying this money. Having a goal will create purpose, passion, discipline and consistency to stay the course.
  • Purchase Envelopes: Depending on your pay cycle, you’ll need between 12-52 envelopes. Some people asked if they could do this challenge electronically. Sure! Whatever works for you. However, there’s something thrilling and visually appealing about counting and stacking greenbacks. I prefer to save cash for this challenge.
  • Count your paydays: How many paydays do you receive in a year? Depressing when you think about it. Work a whole year and only get 12 to 52 paydays? Quick reference guide for your number of paydays per year based on you being paid monthly, bimonthly, biweekly, or weekly. Monthly: 12, Bimonthly: 24, Biweekly: 26, Weekly 52. Based on your pay cycle, number the envelopes accordingly. Example. 1-12 (Monthly) 1-26 (Biweekly)
  • Set a dollar amount to be saved each paycheck: Be realistic with your budget. How much can you realistically save for this challenge each and every paycheck without dipping into it or stopping the challenge altogether? Minimum amount is $25 per pay. I know you can save at least $25 per pay. The key point here is to consistently set aside said amount each paycheck, be it $25, $50, $100, $200 or $500. We will do this challenge annually. Each year, set a goal to increase the amount you save for this challenge.
  • Calculate how much you’ll save by the end of the year: Amount saved per paycheck times the number of paychecks received in a year will tally how much you can expect to save by the end of the year. For example, if you were to save $50 per paycheck and you were paid biweekly, you can expect to save $1,300 for the year. $50 X 26 (biweekly) = $1,300. If you were to save $50 per paycheck and you were paid weekly, you can expect to save $2,600. $50 X 52 (weekly) = $2,600. You can also calculate with the end of the year savings target in mind. Let’s say you wanted to save $4,000 for the year. Take $4,000 and divide it by the number of paychecks you’ll receive in the year. If you’re paid bimonthly, that’s 24 paychecks in the year. $4,000 divided by 24 (bimonthly) = $166.67 per paycheck.
  • Payday/Save: Stuff the envelopes with cash, starting with your first paycheck in January. This envelope should be numbered “1” accompanied with the date of your paycheck. Put the dollar amount you decided to save in the envelope then seal it. Sealing the envelope will make you think twice about opening it during those moments in between pays when the funds get low.
  • Place envelopes in a safe, secure location—Preferably inside of a waterproof, fireproof safe.
  • We did it! January 2026, we’ll be saying, we did it. Count your cash!!

Married couples—Your choice: You can merge forces and take on one challenge together—or you can both do a separate challenge then combine your savings at the end.

(Damon Carr, Money Coach can be reached at 412-216-1013 or visit his website at



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