By Special to the Daily World
Mt Olive Baptist Church will celebrate its Annual Women’s Day on Sunday, May 22, at the 10:45 a.m. morning worship service. The theme for the Women’s Day Celebration is: “Women United by the Holy Spirit.”
The Women’s Day Celebration will include the following:
Saturday, May 14, the women will feature a hat, purse and jewelry auction at 11 a.m. in Weatherspool Hall at the church, followed by the Women’s Ministry Praise and Worship Night on Wednesday, May 18, at 7 p.m. at the church.
The women will continue to celebrate with a Community Outreach Day on Saturday, May 21. The women will leave the church at 11 a.m. and go into neighborhoods inviting the community to attend Women’s Day.
The celebration will culminate on Sunday, May 22, at the 10:45 a.m. morning worship service. Dr. Tanda Joy Canion of the Assembly of Truth Family Worship Center, 350 Hills Ave., S.W., Atlanta, will be the guest speaker.
The Women’s Day Celebration is hosted by the Women’s Ministry of Mt. Olive Baptist Church. First Lady Sis. Mable A. Gibson is the coordinator of Women’s Day, and the Rev. Jimmy R. Gibson Sr., is pastor. The church is located at 2174 Martin Luther King Jr., Drive, S. W., Atlanta. The public is invited.