Google recently collaborated with Spelman Innovation Lab to host the 2023 HBCU Game Jam. Held at the Atlanta University Center library, the HBCU Game Jam was a 48-hour hackathon, where participating HBCU student teams competed for industry-sponsored prizes while building their own video games.
There were 14 HBCUs represented and over 145 students in attendance.
● Skill-based Workshops – The HBCU Game Jam featured workshops, leading up to and during the main event, hosted by faculty, community partners, and industry representatives. Students learned how to translate their theoretical CS & Design knowledge to the game development process.
● The Hackathon – As the main event of the HBCU Game Jam, HBCU students competed to stand up a video game in 48 hours. Student teams were judged by industry representatives, and winning teams will be awarded prizes sponsored by a signature industry partners.
● Industry Opportunities – At the HBCU Game Jam, HBCU students had the opportunity to hear from and network with representatives from major tech/gaming companies. Through main stage keynotes, industry booths, and volunteer mentoring, industry partners had direct contact with HBCU students interested in internship and hiring opportunities.