Hot summer, healthy skin

Expert dermatologist tips to glow this season
Summertime is all about enjoying beautiful weather and showing off some skin, but it’s also essential to protect our skin’s barrier at all stages in life. Vaseline Dermatologist Partner Dr. Fran Cook-Bolden shares key skin care and beauty tips to ensure you are looking your best, while maintaining healthy and luminous skin. Women of color oftentimes have additional concerns when it comes to best skin care practices; Dr. Cook-Bolden offers useful advice for keeping your skin looking radiant this summer.
Don’t fall for the “melanin myth”
Did you know most persons with ​skin of color have​ an average inherent SPF of 13.4? This is close to the past recommended SPF for everyone of 15, but current recommendations are at least an SPF of​ 30. Skin of color is very reactive to sun and can produce unwanted and uneven pigmentation. The use of sunscreen is the first and one of the most important steps in addressing uneven pigmentation all year round and especially in the summer. While the melanin pigment does offer some photo protection, ultraviolet rays still have the potential to cause sunburn, damage skin and lead to often-undiagnosed skin cancers.
Clog-free pores for the summer
Make-up and other debris from the day can build up and clog pores, and worsen acne for those who are prone. Washing your face morning and night is very important provides a form of gentle exfoliation of the face to remove dead skin cells that may naturally build up (this buildup can cause the skin to look dry and lose its natural glow). A gentle cleansing can exfoliate these cells – and always be sure to follow this up with a light moisturizer and sunscreen.
Vitamin rich foods for radiant skin
This season, you’ll want to snack on mandarins, tangerines and oranges – they are rich in Vitamin C which remains a key antioxidant to tackle those free oxygen radicals that wreak havoc on our skin and bodies. If you’re looking to improve the quality of your skin, eat foods high in in Omega-3 such as salmon, nut butters, and flaxseed oil.
Nourish your skin’s barrier… all year-round
Maintaining a healthy and hydrated skin barrier is important all year-round, including in the summer. Sun exposure can leave the skin dehydrated, feeling sensitive and even inflamed and often cause uneven skin tone in skin of color as it stimulates the skin’s cells to produce more melanin.
Pro practices for hair removal
Be mindful of the lifespan of your razor blades. Dull or bacteria-ridden blades can lead to patches of tiny red spots. To prevent this don’t keep your razor in the shower and remember to throw out the blade after about 5 shaves. Buy a fragrance free cleanser​ or unscented shaving cream or gel for sensitive skin. If you prefer waxing, always remember that in skin of color, the inflammatory response associated with waxing can lead to unwanted pigmentation which can be long lasting.

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