Ken Dunkin’s Campaign Receives $500,000 Donation
By Ken Hare
Chicago Defender Staff Writer
Despite being at odds with Mike Madigan, State Representative, Ken Dunkin’s campaign has received the largest political contribution in the state’s history. Dunkin who bucked the Democratic machine and cut a deal with Governor Rauner to restore budget cuts to Child Care, Disability and the Determination of Needs score has been on a roll ever since. Regardless of the machine’s attempt to villainize him and depict him as a defector, he continues to get things done for his constituents despite the stranglehold in Springfield.
The $500,000 donation which reportedly came from a GOP-linked group proves that there is wider support outside of the Democratic machine for those who would consider leaving the party and pursuing an independent path. A decision that no matter how unpopular, might be necessary for others to consider. “Taking into consideration the state of the Black community in Chicago and throughout the state, it’s time for Black people to consider non-traditional options,” says Cheryl Colbert, a Bronzeville resident.
“I applaud Ken for his courage when everyone else is afraid of the Speaker. Our communities for too long has been beholden to the “Machine” for over 40 years and look at us now. We are in the worst shape ever. That’s not anything that a career politician should be proud of nor mad at their colleague for wanting something better,” she said.
Yesterday, outside a news conference held by Dunkin’s opposition; one of his supporters held up a sign that read “Pass a budget, Springfield.”