According to reports, a second health care worker at Dallas’ Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital has tested positive for the Ebola virus.
The Texas Department of State Health Services says the worker reported a fever yesterday and was immediately isolated at the hospital. A preliminary Ebola test conducted last night came back positive; confirmatory testing will be conducted at the CDC in Atlanta, according to Newser.
This latest news comes as nurses allege the hospital was woefully unprepared to deal with Ebola.
Here’s what the LA Times is reporting:
*Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital nurses anonymously released a slew of allegations yesterday by way of Oakland-based union National Nurses United; the Dallas nurses aren’t unionized. They took this approach in hopes of safeguarding their jobs while also being critical of their employer.
Among their allegations, which the Los Angeles Times notes are unconfirmed: that Duncan initially spent hours in an area that contained as many as seven other patients. A nurse supervisor who later insisted he be put in isolation “faced stiff resistance from other hospital authorities,” they write.
They also allege lab samples were mishandled in that they were processed “without being specifically sealed and hand-delivered. The result is that the entire tube system … was potentially contaminated.”