The Board of State Canvassers unanimously voted Tuesday to certify Detroit’s primary election results, and yes, Mike Duggan was the winner of the Aug. 6 primary. Again.
In the end, Duggan got 48,716 votes compared to Benny Napoleon’s 28,391.
Napoleon issued a statement after the announcement, saying:
“The state board of canvassers certification of Detroit’s primary election with a result that is strikingly different than two previous counts by the city clerk and county clerk, respectively, gravely concerns me,” said Benny N. Napoleon. “Whether Mr. Duggan receives 4,000 more votes or 10,000 more votes, the issue remains that we have problems with accurately counting the votes. How can we come up with three vote counts that are vastly different and be okay with this? “First and foremost, we must protect the sanctity of the vote. At a historic time when we face challenges to our democracy in this city, Detroit voters need to be assured — beyond any doubt — that their vote will be counted and counted accurately. A few weeks ago I called for federal oversight of the November 5thGeneral Election. I continue to stand on that request now more than ever. In the end, no matter who becomes the Mayor, the power of the vote must be honored and respected.”