Book Review: 'Decadence' by Eric Jerome Dickey: Exclusive interview

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New York Times Bestselling Author Eric Jerome Dickey is releasing his newest novel, Decadence April 23. Decadence is not for the severely inhibited. It is an erotic novel for the imaginative, the curious—the adventurous.

Decadence picks up four years after Pleasure (2011) and once again follows the character Nia Simone Bijou. Nia is a writer and a thinker and very perceptive. She can speak circles around anyone. Nia is getting ready to debut her first full-length film and finds herself in need of releasing some sexual frustration. She is in an “almost relationship” with mogul/billionaire Prada whom she met at the end of Pleasure four years ago. Although she connects with Prada intellectually and physically, he spends most of his time traveling and they have not seen each other in months.

To satisfy her urges, Nia joins a super exclusive swinger’s club named Decadence where. What Dickey does really well is blend Nia’s desires and experiences in Decadence with explosive plot twists. The narrative does not rely on erotica to make it interesting. True to form, Dickey takes the reader on a roller coaster ride of emotions and relationships as Nia explores her commitment to Prada, her feelings for her new special friend Bret and a former flame. Decadence is written in the first person perspective, giving readers plenty of opportunities learn Nia intimately. While Nia may not be the most lovable character, she is honest and quick-witted—take her or leave her. It is that frankness that makes the novel fun to read.

Decadence does not provide the reader a moment’s rest as it moves from unbelievable revelations and steamy scenes. Dickey jumps right into story and the conflict is brewing beneath the surface from page one.

As a sequel, Decadence falls short in comparison to Pleasure’s storyline. Nia’s ramblings at times become arrogant and her she’s never really brought down from her high horse. Even the defining moment that should have sparked a change or at the very least a moment for deep reflection was glossed over.

4 Stars

Follow Amber L. Bogins on Twitter @AmberLaShaii

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