Blended families are no longer an anomoly in our culture. As such, it is becoming more and more necessary for families to learn to work together and get along to create a postive environement for the children. Jada Pinkett Smith is a pro at managing a blended family, and she had a few choice words to a “friend” who is acting out against her husband and making it difficult for him to see his children from a previous relationship. I love Jada’s honesty and tough love. This is the letter she posted on Facebook.
A letter to a friend:
Blended families are NEVER easy, but here’s why I don’t have a lot of sympathy for your situation because… we CHOOSE them. When I married Will, I knew Trey was part of the package…Period! If I didn’t want that…I needed to marry someone else. Then I learned if I am going to love Trey…I had to learn to love the most important person in the world to him…his mother. And the two of us may not have always LIKED each other… but we have learned to LOVE each other.
I can’t support any actions that keep a man from his children of a previous marriage. These are the situations that separate the women from the girls. Your behavior is that of an insecure child who needs to recognize her own weaknesses that MUST be strengthened to take on the task at hand. We can’t say we love our man and then come in between him and his children. THAT’S selfishness…NOT love. WOMAN UP… I’ve been there…I know. My blended family made me a giant… Taught me so much about love, commitment and it has been the biggest ego death to date. It’s time you let your blended family make you the giant you truly are.
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