NAACP Reopens SE Regional Field Office

By Special to the Daily World
After three years, the NAACP has expanded its field operations and reopened its Southeastern Regional Field Office in Atlanta this year.  Under the supervision of Regional Field Director Kevin Myles, the office organizes national activities and supports the work of NAACP units in Georgia, North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

“Reopening the Southeastern Regional Office – the office once run by civil rights pioneers like Ruby Hurley, Earl Shinholster, Nelson Rivers III and Charles White – is a critical step for the NAACP, especially with attacks on and challenges to civil rights in the region increasing,” said NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous.  Under the leadership of Jealous and NAACP Chairman Roslyn Brock, the NAACP has more than doubled its membership and has rebuilt its field program across the country.

The Southeastern Regional Office is temporarily housed in the downtown Atlanta offices of the Southern Poverty Law Center, another leading civil rights organization, while searching for permanent office space.

“This is an amazing opportunity,” stated Myles, who came to the position after serving as the director for NAACP’s Midwest/Central region. “The Southeast Region of the NAACP has stood at the vanguard of social change in this nation for decades. I look forward to working with the strong leadership of our State Conferences and our organizational partners throughout the region to beat back these latest challenges to civil rights and continuing to advance our social justice cause.”

The Southeastern office was originally housed in Birmingham, Ala., until 1956 when the state banned the NAACP for its role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott and other civil rights efforts.

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