Free ‘Fitness’ Workshop, Sat., March 17

By Special to the Daily World
The Concerned Black Clergy of Metropolitan Atlanta invites all those interested in building money management skills to “Get Financially Fit” by attending a free seminar on Saturday, March 17, at Greater New Light Missionary Baptist Church.

“We know that many in our community are up against pressing financial challenges right now, and we also know that some could get ahead by making a few simple changes in how they handle their money,” said Concerned Black Clergy president Rev. Frank Brown. “This workshop, in collaboration with Wells Fargo, will provide valuable information for both groups.”

The class will take place Saturday, March 17, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the church at 2540 Campbellton Road. Registration is strongly encouraged; however, walk-ins will be welcomed. Those interested can register at or by phone at 404-755-4900.

In order to emphasize the importance of attending, the first 20 adults who register and complete the course will receive a $25 gift certificate.

“Time and again we hear members of our community ask what steps they should take if they want to avoid a foreclosure on their home or to get ready to one day own a home. We also hear of needs to learn about the basics of credit and how to build a budget or save for the future.  We’ve taken all this — and more — and come up with this seminar,” said Rev. Michael Wright, executive director of the Concerned Black Clergy.

In addition to mortgage and banking professionals from Wells Fargo, counselors from CredAbility, the Atlanta-based non-profit credit counseling agency, will be on hand to provide their expertise.

“You don’t have to be a bank customer or a member of the church to attend the workshop. We welcome everyone,” said Candy Moore, Wells Fargo senior vice president of Community Development.  “And every time I’ve attended a seminar, I learned something new.”

This workshop is the third collaborative seminar between Wells Fargo and the Concerned Black Clergy.

“My team is grateful for the opportunity to share its financial knowledge and expertise with Atlanta’s residents,” said Mike Donnelly, Atlanta regional president for Wells Fargo. “We appreciate Concerned Black Clergy’s commitment to ensuring the financial success of our communities.”

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