Lifestyles Report…I don’t get it


Last week I was sitting in my car trying to stay warm and I could not imagine why so many people were walking around in sub-freezing weather with no hats. Maybe because I was sitting on the University of Pittsburgh’s campus and many of the people I was observing were young and away from home with nobody to tell them to “put your hat” before they left the house. Maybe they did not want to suffer from “hat hair,” you know that smashed hair look you have when you take your hat off. I used to do that; go out without a hat so I would not mess up my hair and just suffer through the cold.
I have had it with this weather and I’m heading south for a few days of relief. I’m tired of people riding my bumper when the streets are full of ice and snow. Why do people insist on driving so fast when you don’t know what the condition of the road is around the corner? I have a fear of black ice and try to avoid it at all cost. Not only do I have a fear of black ice or any ice for that matter, but the deer population in my area is huge. I was on my way to the mall and a deer ran out in front of the car no more than 20 feet in front of me.
That could have been a terrible accident if I was driving the speed limit but thanks to trying to be careful on the snow I avoided connecting with the animal.
And yes, I was going to Monroeville Mall, I do think twice before going to the mall now but I’m sure this too will pass. I hope we will not lose the major mall east of Pittsburgh. I don’t want to see Monroeville Mall go in the same direction as Century III or Eastland Mall.
Why all the gun violence, especially at the mall or at a club? I remember the days when I could go to “The Phase” in Homewood by myself at night and feel perfectly comfortable. I might even leave there and stop by Too Sweet. We didn’t need anyone to walk us to the car, we weren’t frisked at the door we were there to have fun.
The strange thing about the shootings that have recently occurred is that  you never hear why they happened, what was the motive, or if you do hear the motive it is extremely trite. Maybe the person was shot over drug money or a dispute over a girl friend or who knows.

I think I’m smart enough to know the world cannot stay the same, but I think we expect things to improve as life goes on. And in many respects it seems like we are regressing and not processing. What am I missing here people? It is questions like this that make me wish for a talk show but email me your thoughts we’ll have our dialogue right here.
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