President Biden Honored At CBCF Phoenix Awards

The work of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) was honored tonight by President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris – noting that these bodies have helped advance freedoms for all Americans that are now under threat ahead of November’s Presidential elections.

As he was honored with the CBC Lifetime Achievement award at the Annual Phoenix Awards Dinner, the flagship event of the CBCF’s Annual Legislative Conference, President Biden noted that his administration’s achievements were bolstered by the actions of the CBC.

He said, “With the CBC, we went big and we went bold and we are better off today than we were four years ago. I’m being very sincere when I say a big reason why is because Congress boasts the highest number of Black members in American history.”

Looking beyond his presidency, President Biden added, “We must show up; we must look to the future. I’m looking to you to help lead the way, to help push us forward and be the country we say we are, a country of freedom, justice and equality and proving that Black history is American history and Black excellence is American excellence.”

Vice President Harris called on the CBC to leverage its history as “the conscience of the Congress” to provide a vision for the future of the country.

She said, “As a proud former CBC member I know first-hand America relies on the leaders in this room not only for a conscience but for a vision. The CBC has always had a vision for the future of our nation; a future where we can see what is possible unburdened by what has been, a future where fulfil the promise of America; a promise of freedom opportunity and justice, not just for some but for all. And today that vision is under profound threat.”

She concluded, “Each of us has a job to do, and the bottom line is we know what we stand for and that’s why we know what we fight for. And when the CBC fights, we win.”

The winners of the 2024 Phoenix Awards are:

·       President Joseph R. Biden, Congressional Black Caucus Lifetime Achievement Award.

·       Governor of Maryland Wes Moore, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference Honorary Co-Chairs’ Award 

·       The late Sheila Jackson-Lee, former U.S. representative for Texas’s 18th congressional district, Congressional Black Caucus’s Body Award

·       The 14th Librarian of Congress Dr. Carla Hayden, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Chair’s Award 

·       Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison, Mission In Action Award

Speaking at the event, CBCF Board Chair Rep. Terri A. Sewell (D-AL) noted that the murder of George Floyd has sparked a renewed commitment to addressing racial inequalities across American society.

She said, “The racial reckoning, brought about by the murder of George Floyd has renewed our energy and our commitment to work for social justice and economic prosperity; and to close the racial gaps that confront all of American society – in education, in income, in home ownership, in environmental justice, in public safety, and so much more.”

CBCF President and CEO Nicole Austin-Hillery added that this year’s ALC theme, “From Vision to Victory: Amplifying Black Voices” acts as a challenge to engage, advocate, and drive change, adding that every voice and action strengthens our unity and determination, essential for achieving victory.

She said, “This year, doing what needs to be done means building the success we’ve achieved together.  It’s a long journey, but it’s a journey of progress, and, as you’ve heard, we’re closer than ever to moving from Vision to Victory, Amplifying Black Voices.  And that theme is a challenge; it’s a call to action to you – to all of us – to engage, to advocate, and to drive change. Each and every voice adds to our collective strength; every collective action emphasizes our unity and our determination.  And all of those things are necessary to move us from Vision to Victory.”


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