Young Scholar Dorothy Jean Tillman Earns Her Doctorate At Just 17 Years Old

Chicago teen Dorothy Jean Tillman walked across the stage of Arizona State University’s College of Health Solutions convocation, accomplishing what many can only dream of achieving in a lifetime. With an impressive academic journey that defies convention, Tillman successfully defended her dissertation at the tender age of 17, obtaining her doctorate at age 18. 

Tillman’s remarkable journey has been fueled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a drive to make a difference. By the age of 14, she had already earned her associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degree—an achievement that would be extraordinary for anyone, let alone a teenager. 

“It was always a very hard thing to kind of stomach mentally being so young. When you get out of college, you’re thinking, ‘what do I do next?’ Now I am able to sit in the comfortability of being a teenager and being OK with the fact that I don’t have to figure out what comes next,” Dorothy said.

Yet, even with these remarkable credentials under her belt, Tillman’s thirst for learning remained unquenched. She set her sights on obtaining a doctorate degree, a goal that she pursued with unwavering determination.

Despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, Tillman remained undeterred in her pursuit of academic excellence. Amidst launching her own science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) camp startup, Tillman found the time and dedication to embark on her doctoral journey. 

“I knew what it took for her to go through that. She had to sacrifice a lot. A lot of her fears and going through different things during the pandemic,” she said. “She emerged as a leader without fear, showing them how to navigate online schooling,” said Jimalita Tillman, Dorothy’s mother. 

Now, Dorothy proudly stands as Dr. Dorothy Jean Tillman, a testament to her unparalleled intellect and determination. 

Tillman’s academic prowess is matched only by her commitment to uplifting others. As the founder of the Dorothy Jeanius STEAM Leadership Institute, Dorothy inspires hundreds of underserved young people to pursue careers in STEAM. Through guest speakers and open conversations, she empowers the next generation of leaders to embrace their potential and strive for excellence.

Despite her extraordinary achievements, Tillman remains grounded, cherishing time with family and friends like any other teenager. She attributes much of her success to her mother. 

Another source of inspiration for Tillman is her grandmother, former Chicago alderwoman Dorothy Tillman, who played a pivotal role in the civil rights movement alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

Looking to the future, Dorothy is eager to continue developing her camps and applying her studies in integrated behavioral health to her work. With dreams of franchising the camps to reach even more children and expanding her outreach to communities in Africa, her ambition knows no bounds.

“It’s teamwork that makes the dream work,” Dorothy said. “It is a village that builds the land. It’s having those people there with you that is going to, you know, uphold you at the end of the day.”

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