Atlanta-Based The Honey Pot Company Acquired For $380 Million

The Atlanta-based Honey Pot Company was recently acquired for $380 million by Compass Diversified. Created by Beatrice Dixon in 2012 in her kitchen, the company focuses on providing feminine care products across the feminine hygiene, menstrual, consumer health and sexual wellness categories.

Over the past decade, the Honey Pot’s unique formulations of plant-derived ingredients, coupled with its dedication to fostering a high-touch community, have cultivated an enthusiastic customer base that spans diverse cultures and ages.

The Honey Pot has empowered people to embrace their bodies and overall well-being, breaking barriers in a traditionally stagnant consumer packaged goods market.

“We are excited to embark on this partnership with CODI, a firm that aligns seamlessly with our values and is dedicated to championing our vision of destigmatizing feminine care through accessible products and promoting holistic wellness, both inside and out,” said Beatrice Dixon, who will continue to lead the company in her current role as CEO and Chief Innovation Officer. “We believe that this partnership will not only enable us to sustain our commitment to innovation and education but will also empower us to continue cultivating a movement rooted in community and self-care.”

She continued by saying, “I continue to be humbled by the journey of The Honey Pot Co., and I hope that both the creation of this business and where it stands today serve as a reminder that while doors are often closed, there is always space for passionate and visionary entrepreneurs. That space doesn’t have to be explored alone, either. Partnerships and investments, both big and small, enable the opportunity for your business to blossom and reach its full potential. We want to thank our prior investment partners, New Voices Fund and VMG Partners, for allowing us to do just that and for their tremendous trust and support as we have expanded our business to reach more humans in the past five years.”

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