Anti-Racist Mass Mobilization Will Confront August 15 Racist Rally at Stone Mountain

Anti-Racist Mass Mobilization Will Confront August 15 Racist Rally at
Stone Mountain, Georgia

On August 15, 2020, far-Right and racist organizers have vowed to rally
at Stone Mountain Park outside Atlanta. Stone Mountain is the birthplace
of the modern Ku Klux Klan and has long been a a site of racist
mobilization due to this history and the giant carvings of Confederate
generals defacing the mountainside. The August 15th rally is intended as
a show of defiance against this summer’s Black-led, anti-racist
protests. Promoters for 8/15 include a Facebook page operated by a
veteran of neo-Nazi groups; “American Patriots USA” headed by notorious
white supremacist Chester Doles; and a militia that uses “Heritage Not
Hate” rhetoric while inflaming hatred against Black Lives Matter and
networking with white nationalists.

The racist rallies at Stone Mountain endanger the surrounding community
and normalize the white power movement, which has been responsible for
over 175 murders in the past eight years. [1] In response, a diverse
coalition of organizations and community members has mobilized to
confront this armed racist invasion. The F.L.O.W.E.R. (FrontLine
Organizations Working to End Racism) coalition aims to facilitate
broad-based anti-racist opposition. The coalition has previously
mobilized against another threatened racist rally at Stone Mountain in
February 2019. The F.L.O.W.E.R. coalition calls for a large, grassroots
presence on 8/15, to challenge the racist rallies and to show the
strength, determination, and diversity of the South we call home.

“The racists mobilizing for August 15th have simple goals: intimidate
and spread terror”, says Sam Miller of the F.L.O.W.E.R. coalition. “We
will not let that happen. From faith groups to frontline protesters, we
all have a part to play. Now is the time to spread the word widely and
to make August 15 a day the racists will regret.”

At the time of writing, the F.L.O.W.E.R. mobilization has been endorsed
by eighteen organizations and community groups. For more information
about the coalition and its plans, visit:

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