Acid Reflux affects 35 percent of African Americans

What you may not know is that Acid Reflux comes with a host of other symptoms including:
•A feeling of having a lump in your throat, that won’t go away?
•Chronic cough?
•Difficulty sleeping?* Nausea?
Try these simple steps to get relief from acid reflux:
1. Ditch the chomp and gulp. Take your time eating and chew your food really well before swallowing.
2. Limit or avoid caffeine, alcohol and carbonated beverages
3. Avoid overeating
4. Eat no later than 2-3 hours before bed
5. Avoid lying down immediately after meals
6. Try eating pineapple or taking food enzymes at the beginning of your meals
7. Digestive bitters 20 minutes prior to eating may also help
If you think that acid reflux or another illness could be the reason behind your breath issues, contact your healthcare provider. It may save more than just that perfect date!
(Renee Hughes is an African American health columnist and natural health coach that offers 10-day and 30-day programs to less fat, more energy and more happy.)
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