Chicago PD To Hold Meeting To Find Gunman That Shot 6-Year-Old Girl


In an effort to bring the community together, the Chicago Police Department is holding an “Operation Wake Up” meeting Wednesday evening.

Officials say the event, which starts at 7 p.m., is also to find out any information on who wounded 6-year-old Tacarra Morgan in the city’s West Englewood neighborhood recently, reports ABC 7.

Forty-three bullets were fried from inside a white SUV into a crowd near West 60th and South Paulina Tuesday afternoon, says the news site. Tacarra was the only person hit, suffering a gunshot wound to her stomach. She has since underwent surgery and her condition has went from “critical to serious.”

“I would be willing to take a bet – I would guarantee you – that when we find those individuals we’re going to find that they had prior contacts with the police,” said John Escalante, First Deputy Superintendent, Chicago Police Department.

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