Today, members from Advance Youth Leadership Power (AYLP) will attend and testify at the Department of Justice and U.S. Attorney’s Office’s hearing on police violence in Chicago.
Before the hearing at 6:30 p.m., they will host a vigil at 5 p.m,. outside of Truman College, to honor those who were affected by the Chicago Police Department’s assault on people with disabilities. Most notably, those with a disability who have been assaulted by police include Laquan McDonald, Quintonio LeGrier and Brandon Bragg.
In the aftermath of police shootings, disability is seldom part of the dialogue. At least a half to 70 percent of police violence reported in the media involves people with disabilities, according to a release, adding that people with disabilities nationally are four times more likely to be victims of violent crimes than the general population.
However, the police fail to document disabilities in police reports, and police don’t have adequate knowledge on interacting with the disability community during a crisis or peaceful moments.
The Advance Youth Leadership Power is:
• Calls on the Superintendent and all precincts to severely punish officers who kill people without legitimate reason. Severe punishment includes suspension without pay, expulsion from the Chicago Police Department, revoking the right to carry firearms, mandatory training on interacting with the disability community, and jail sentencing.
• Encourages the police to report any pre-existing medical conditions on police reports, including those involving police violence; and
• Demands officers be trained in not only crisis intervention, but also establishing a strong, inclusive connection with the disability community in each precinct.