ESPN 'First Take's' Stephen A. Smith surprising comments after murder of Will Smith

stephen a. smith

Bombastic sports commentator Stephen A. Smith of ESPN’s “First Take.”names gentrification and poverty as the culprits for the rise of senseless and despicable crime in the black community.
Smith put the onus on athletes to use their privileged positions and vast platforms to speak out against black-on-black crime. He also references former Baltimore Ravens player Ray Lewis’ video berating Black Lives Matter and talking about Black-on-Black crime.
“Let’s try to come together and do everything that we possibly can to neutralize and eradicate this level of violence that seems to be going on no matter where we are. As professional athletes you have impact.”
As Atlanta Daily World previous reported, former Saints Super Bowl-winning player Will Smith was gunned down in a road rage incident this past weekend. The man who rammed into the back of his luxury SUV was the one who shot him in the back at least six times and once in the chest and also shot his wife in the leg. He is being held on $1 million bond on second-degree murder charges.
Check out what Smith had to say and his comments about what Hall of Fame Baltimore Ravens Ray Lewis comments on the tragedy:
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