About 1,000 members of the Ku Klux Klan will have their identities exposed in a few days by the infamous hacker group Anonymous, according to a statement the group released to the media.
Anonymous is a self-proclaimed investigative news organization that declared they’ll expose the information of the KKK members on Nov. 5. The date is significant because as it’s close to the anniversary of the court’s decision to not indict Officer Darren Wilson for shooting and killing Michael Brown and the subsequent riots that broke out in Ferguson, Mo. in November 2014.
The KKK has become a favorite target of Anonymous. Last winter, the group infiltrated the Klan’s social media accounts and harassed members by phone.
This is a full statement from the group about their intentions:
“Greetings Citizens of the World. We are Anonymous.
When people are faced with grave injustices, those cries do not go unheard.
Ku Klux Klan, We never stopped watching you. We know who you are. Originally, we did not attack you for your beliefs as we fight for freedom of speech. We attacked you due to your threats to use lethal force in the Ferguson protests. We took this grudge between us rather seriously. You continue to threaten anons and others. We never said we would only strike once.