Singer Tyrese paying for Compton man's Morehouse tuition

Singer and actor Tyrese Gibson (Fast and Furious franchise) is following in the footsteps of a legendary radio broadcaster when he decided to pay the full tuition to Morehouse College for a young Compton, Calif., native, 21-year-old Lorenzo Murphy, also known as the popular Instagram personality “Zo The Movitator.”
Gibson is just coming off good fortune of his own as his newest album debuted at the top of the charts.  Murphy thanked Gibson for his generosity, posting a photograph of Gibson and Rev Run and boosting this one-in-a-lifetime opportunity as a “Man of Morehouse.”

Tyrese, who was born and raised in the Watts section of South Los Angeles before he attained national fame singing in a Coca-Cola commercial, said his inspiration came from legendary and Hall of Fame radio personality Tom Joyner, a Tuskegee grad and lifelong advocate for HBCUs:



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