Atlanta to celebrate renovated Anthony Flanagan Rec Center


Mayor Kasim Reed will lead a distinguished delegation in the celebration of the recently-renovated Anthony Flanagan Recreation Center in Southwest Atlanta on Thursday morning at 11 a.m.


Councilman C.T. Martin and the Department of Parks and Recreation Commissioner Amy Phuong will join Reed and members of Flanagan’s family to commemorate the reopening of the center. It was reopened in 2011 as part of Reed’s pledge to resuscitate and/or revitalize all city rec centers. The Flanagan center was closed recently to complete further renovations including:

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  • Incorporating green building features to the facility;
  • Roof replacement;
  • Improving the multi-use space;
  • Providing external bathrooms accessible to the tennis park and tennis court users;
  • Adding ADA compliant handicap-access ramps;
  • Provide additional parking spaces;
  • New computer lab.


The park is named in honor of Flanagan, affectionately known as “Coach Flan,” the first black quarterback at the University of Georgia. Upon the completion of his collegiate career, Flanagan returned to his Southwest Atlanta roots and worked at the Department of Recreation for 14 years while coaching youth football.

Photos: Anthony Flanagan Rec Center Facebook Page

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