Georgia's home to one of the nation's largest number of hate groups; the top 10 states

hate groups
An organization that monitors hate and separatist groups across the United States stated that white supremacist groups skyrocketed immediately following the election of President Barack Obama. It stated that Georgia is in the Top Ten of states that hosts the most racist organizations in America, but you would be surprised what states comprise the top spots.
The Southern Poverty Law Center reported Since 2000, the number of hate groups has increased by 30 percent. The organization says the rise is due to an “anger and fear over the nation’s ailing economy, an influx of non-white immigrants, and the diminishing white majority, as symbolized by the election of the nation’s first African-American president.
“The SPLC also said these factors also are feeding a powerful resurgence of the antigovernment “Patriot” movement, which in the 1990s led to a string of domestic terrorist plots, including the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. The number of Patriot groups, including armed militias, skyrocketed following the election of President Obama in 2008 – rising 813 percent, from 149 groups in 2008 to an all-time high of 1,360 in 2012, the SPLC reports.
The Law Center, however, said the number of hate groups, which include neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white nationalists, neo-Confederates, racist skinheads and black separatists, have declined in number by seven percent — from 1,007 in 2012 to 939 in 2013.The anti-government “Patriot” movement, composed of armed militias, declined by 19 percent from 1,360 groups in 2012 to 1,096 in 2013.
Since the Nation of Islam, led by Minister Louis Farrakhan, advocate separation of the races and have made pronouncements that critics decry as “racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic,” it has also been listed as a hate group by the organization.
The states with the most hate and separatists groups, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center:

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