Another Wife Beater?!? NFL's Jonathan Dwyer Arrested for Domestic Violence

Just when you thought it was safe, stupidity rises up yet again like a shark’s fin and bites the NFL when it’s already bleeding badly.
Heck, the National Football League now needs a tourniquet to stem the blood flow. It is hemorrhaging players, money and corporate support after a rash of domestic violence episodes in the past two weeks, including the domestic situation involving alleged child abuse by Vikings superstar Adrian Peterson.
Now, there is another player who’s making Commissioner Roger Goodell raid the medicine cabinet to soothe his screaming internal organs. According to CBS News, Arizona Cardinals running back Jonathan Dwyer was just arrested for domestic violence over an alleged altercation with his wife.
Dwyer, 25, was arrested in Phoenix on suspicion of aggravated assault and keeping someone from calling 911.
It has not yet been made public when the alleged incident took place, what sparked it and if the victim sustained significant injuries.
The NFL is literally hunkered down in its bunker on Park Avenue in New York over the public relations bludgeoning it has suffered the past two weeks. Goodell hasn’t been seen or heard from in the past week. And the league is still recoiling from the backlash it has enduring because of alleged violent behavior exhibited by former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice, Carolina’s Greg Hardy, San Francisco’s Ray McDonald and New York Jets rookie Quincy Enunwa, in addition to Peterson.

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