The “gorgeous felon” Jeremy Meeks, the man whose Stockton, Calif. mugshot showing off his chiseled featured and blazing blue eyes and became an instant internet sensation, has been offered a modeling contract, the media has learned.
Turns out the series of jokes depicting Meeks as a model in countless Instagram memes is now a reality.
Meeks, who is still holed up in jail on charges that the two-time felon is a major drug kingpin and illegal owner of firearms, has been offered a $30,000 modeling contract.
Meeks also has reportedly secured the services of an industry agent, Gina Rodriguez, who also represents Tan Mom.
Rodriguez has withstood an intense backlash since procuring Meeks as a client and has received death threats.
The entertainment blog also reported that Meeks’ attorney has requested that he be able to wear nice fitting civilian clothing so he looks good during court appearances.
Now that’s bold to make that kind of request for such a serious legal matter. But, in a world where Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton can attain international fame despite not displaying a single discernible skill, can we say that we are surprised by this turn of events?
What a country.