Professor Claims Blacks, Latinos Raised In Single Parent Households Can’t Compete With Whites

When University of Texas at Austin law professor Lino Graglia was interviewed by the BBC, he revealed that Blacks and Latinos cannot compete with White students academically because so many are raised in single-parent family households, according to Gawker.

According to the professor, on average, Blacks score 200 points lower than their White counterparts on SAT scores.  He also went on to divulge that three-quarters of Black children are born outside the confines of marriage, which takes away from their success.

When the BBC program host mentioned to Graglia that he happened to be Black and raised by a single Mother, the scholar seemed flustered but nonetheless remained true to his controversial dogma.

Graglia is the very same ultra-conservative educator who, in 1997, said that Black and Mexican-American cultures set their offspring up for complete failure:

“They have a culture that seems not to encourage achievement,” Graglia said. “Failure is not looked upon with disgrace.”

Professor Graglia’s highly criticized ideology resulted in the League of United Latin American Citizens Council No. 1 (LULAC) in Corpus Christi to actively demand Graglia’s resignation from the university. Instead, the well-known critic of affirmative action and racial quotas rode the turbulent waters at the time and remained in the post that he’s had since 1966 at the university.

Ironically, the University of Texas is presently in the throes of a Supreme Court legal battle involving a White student who claims she was made to go to a second-rate college as a result of the school’s affirmative action program.

The woman, Abigail Fisher, graduated from high school in the top 11 percent of her class four years ago but was rejected, she says, from UT Austin based upon the color of her skin.  So Fisher says she was forced to settle on Louisiana State University, with job offers from companies that were not as prominent as the ones she would have received if she gone to the more prestigious university.

The University officials argue that they only accept students in the top 10 percent of each Texas high school’s graduating class, regardless of race.

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