Historic Providence Missionary Baptist Church Welcomes New Senior Pastor


The members of the historic Providence Missionary Baptist Church in southwest Atlanta have announced the selection of the Reverend Dr. Damon P. Williams as their new Senior Pastor. Dr. Williams will preach his Inaugural Sermon on Sunday, November 4, 2012, during both the 8:00 a.m. and 10:40 a.m.

Morning Worship Services. Reverend Gerald Durley retired in August after 25 years of service to the Church.

In 2006, while a doctoral candidate at the University of Michigan, Damon P. Williams was called to the ministry of the Gospel, and was licensed under the pastorate of Reverend Mark J. Lyons at the Second Baptist Church of Ann Arbor (Michigan).

After graduating Summa Cum Laude from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) in2002 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering,. Williams continued his education receiving a Master of Science degree as well as his Doctorate degree in Industrial and Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan (U of M).

Williams returned to Georgia to attend Columbia Theological Seminary with the prestige of being both a Columbia Honors Fellow and a Fund for Theological Education (FTE) Ministry Fellow. In May 2012, he graduated from Columbia with a Master of Divinity (M.Div).

Concurrently, between 2009 and 2012, Rev. Williams served as an Associate Minister at Zion Hill Baptist Church in Atlanta under the guidance of Reverend Dr. Aaron L. Parker. In this capacity Reverend Williams worked in Christian Education serving as a traditional class Saturday School Teacher, Connexion College Ministry Student Leader, and Vacation Bible School Director.

Williams is a curriculum writer for the Baptist Layman publication of the Sunday School Publishing Board. He is also an adjunct professor at Georgia Tech in both the Industrial and Systems Engineering departments, and, the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.

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