A white woman who killed her Black neighbor has finally been arrested. On June 6, police in Marion County, Florida arrested Susan Lorincz, 58, for the murder of her neighbor Ajike Owens, a Black mother of four.
The shooting occurred on June 3 after Owens’ kids were playing outside and Lorincz allegedly threw a roller skate, hitting Owens’ child, according to CBS News. Once Owens was informed about the event, she went to Lorincz’ home to address the situation. Witnesses say Owens’ was unarmed when Lorincz shot through the door. Owens was shot in the chest while her 10-year-old son stood behind her. He yelled for help as a neighbor attempted to save her life by giving chest compressions.
Authorities questioned Lorincz, but she was not initially arrested. Some believed that Florida’s controversial “Stand Your Ground” law was the reason for her not being arrested.
However, following several viral social media posts and protests in Florida, the Marion County Sheriff Office arrested Lorincz and charged her manslaughter.
Sheriff Billy Woods posted a clip on Facebook on June 6 and stated that it was not a “stand your ground” case.
“Now many of you were struggling to understand why there was not an immediate arrest,” Woods said. “The laws here in the state of Florida are clear. Now I may not like them. I may not agree with them. But however, those laws I will follow.”
Lorincz could face 30 years in prison if convicted.