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Rufus and Jenny Triplett Reveal How Couples Can Stay Together Through the Love of Culinary


Rufus and Jenny Triplett both understand how meals can bring couples together. For over a decade, the Tripletts have shared their experiences of being married for over 30 years with their book series, “Surviving Marriage.” In their latest book, “Send Me That Recipe: 33 Meals Rediscovered and Sprinkled with Love,” the couple share recipes for affordable meals and how to keep relationships spicy after years of marriage.

So let’s talk about your new book. When did this idea come about? 

Jenny Triplett: It all happened during the start of the pandemic. We were in the kitchen and started reminiscing about our 30 years of marriage and some of the things that we used to eat. My husband went to culinary art school and the Marine Corps, so he is a chef by trade. He would cook for the soldiers. A lot of his meals were heavily requested, so we went back to some of those recipes and realized that it would make a good book. They were budget-friendly meals that a family of four could eat in a range of around 20 to $25. We want people to get in the kitchen and stay together.

How do you stay connected through the love of food? 

There can be so many things going on that you have a lot of families who don’t even talk anymore or come together. We would have our family meetings over meals. I know some families are implementing the rules where there are no devices at the table until after dinner. But when you come together over a meal, it strengthens that bond.

What have you learned through publishing and being business owners and voices of the community? 

Being able to educate this younger generation. We are living in an instant society. And if you ain’t get it on social media, you’re barely getting it anywhere at all. With publishing and putting it in a book, people have to actually read and understand the information. As far as community and outreach is concerned, we want to see more Black families together and thriving.

What advice do you give to men and women about the importance of staying together?

Rufus: Before you get married, get premarital counseling. That will go a long way in your first couple of years. My second one is patience. After you get that premarital counseling, you have to be patient on the changes that people are going to make throughout the years. The first couple of years is the most important to me. You’re going to learn something every year and you both will kind of change as well. So get prepared for those changes.

Jennifer: I think we need to change the mindset around premarital counseling because some people don’t even think about it. Like there’s no thought put into it. Some think they should get counseling only after marriage, but seeking counsel before you get married is a really big deal.


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