Atlanta City Council President Doug Shipman Announces 2022 Committee Chairs and Appointments

 ATLANTA — Council President Doug Shipman announced the 2022 committee chairpersons and appointments during the first organizational meeting of the full Council on Monday.

City Utilities Committee:

Howard Shook – Chair
Liliana Bakhtiari
Andrea L. Boone
Dustin Hillis
Antonio Lewis
Alex Wan
Jason Winston

City Utilities has jurisdiction over the following matters: Solid waste, sanitation, and recycling; street equipment, street naming and abandonment and other public right of way matters; matters pertaining to the city’s cable service within the Mayor’s Office of Communication, the Department of Watershed Management and the Department of Public Works and city franchise agreements.

Community Development/Human Services:

Jason Dozier – Chair

Byron Amos

Liliana Bakhtiari

Michael Julian Bond

Dustin Hillis

Matt Westmoreland

Jason Winston

Community Development/Human Services has jurisdiction over the following matters: The Department of Planning and Community Development; the Department of Parks and Recreation; comprehensive development plans and land use plans, the Mayor’s Office of Human Services; the Mayor’s Office of Film and Entertainment; matters pertaining to Invest Atlanta, Work Source Atlanta, Atlanta Housing Authority, Atlanta Workforce Development Agency, TADs and related boards; and matters pertaining to health, education and welfare.

Public Safety and Legal Administration Committee:

Dustin Hillis – Chair

Byron Amos

Michael Julian Bond

Andrea L. Boone

Mary Norwood

Marci Collier Overstreet

Keisha Sean Waites


Public Safety and Legal Administration has jurisdiction over the following matters: The Law Department; the Atlanta Police Department; the Department of Fire and Rescue, the Department of Corrections; the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Preparedness; Municipal Court operations and the Solicitor’s Office.

Transportation Committee:

Amir Farokhi – Chair

Jason Dozier

Antonio Lewis

Marci Collier Overstreet

Keisha Sean Waites

Alex Wan

Matt Westmoreland


Transportation has jurisdiction over the following areas/matters: The Department of Aviation and the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport; the Department of Public Works; Renew Atlanta; Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority; the Atlanta Streetcar/ Beltline transit; the Atlanta Regional Commission; infrastructure bond issues and other capital funding related to transportation projects.

Zoning Committee:

Marci Collier Overstreet – Chair

Byron Amos

Andrea L. Boone

Amir Farokhi

Mary Norwood

Howard Shook

Matt Westmoreland


Zoning has jurisdiction over the following areas/matters: The Zoning Review Board; Metropolitan Atlanta River Protection Act; Board of Zoning Adjustment; the land subdivision ordinance of the city (part 15 of this Code); the zoning ordinance of the city (part 16 of this Code); and land plat amendments.

Finance/Executive Committee:

Alex Wan – Chair

Liliana Bakhtiari

Michael Julian Bond

Jason Dozier

Howard Shook

Keisha Sean Waites

Jason Winston


Finance/Executive has jurisdiction over the following areas/matters: The Department of Finance, Department of Human Resources, Department of Procurement; Office of Contract Compliance; oversight of the executive branch; intergovernmental relations, international relations and diplomatic affairs; all licensing approvals and tax officials and collectors.

Committee on Council:

Andrea L. Boone – Chair

Amir Farokhi

Dustin Hillis

Antonio Lewis

Mary Norwood

Howard Shook

Matt Westmoreland


Committee on Council has jurisdiction over the following matters: All operations of the Council, its officers and employees, Office of Research and Policy, Council Communications, and the Office of the Municipal Clerk; all questions pertaining to conflicts of interest and standards of conduct; the revision, codification and clarification of all ordinances; formulation of the agenda of the Council; all matters pertaining to elections, initiatives and referenda; the rules of the Council and any modifications thereof; and the conduct decorum and good repute of the Council, and the members thereof.

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