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Fulton County Juvenile Court ‘Goes Social’


“Social Media – Here We Come”

Exciting news coming out of the Fulton County Juvenile Court (FCJC) as the social media launch approaches.  FCJC will be available on five (5) social media platforms by the end of summer 2021. The social media platforms will be utilized to connect quickly with the community on matters of local court processes, inspiring human interest stories, and special events like the annual National Adoption Day Celebration.  The main goal will be to promote the Rule of Law and the value of Justice, all while “providing excellence in service and justice with compassion.”

The first few posts will highlight its pop-up COVID-19 vaccination event that will be held on Friday, July 9, 2021 in its main parking lot.  While the pop-up clinic was scheduled after a challenge from the Fulton County Magistrate Court’s Chief Magistrate Judge, Cassandra Kirk, it was also a planned initiate to support a country-wide effort to encourage vaccination as the COVID-19 Delta variant becomes a larger threat.  The Vaccination Challenge campaign begins July 6, 2021.

As excitement builds around FCJC’s social media presence, the Court hopes to increase engagement and improve transparency amongst its “community, partners, and stakeholders” in an effort to uphold its mission of protecting, rehabilitating and restoring families.  The Fulton County Juvenile Court can be found on the following handles:


Facebook            –              @FultonJuvenile

Twitter                 –              @FultonJuvenile

Instagram            –              @fultonjuvenile

LinkedIn               –              Fulton County Juvenile Court

YouTube              –              Fulton County Juvenile Court

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