According to the National Headache Foundation, over 45 million Americans suffer from headaches and of these, 28 million suffer from migraines.
What Does Your Headache Really Mean?
There are several types of headaches; in fact, according to WebMD, there are 150 different types of headaches. You can generally determine what type of headache you have depending on where exactly the pain is:
Front of your Head
  • Tension headache
  • Migraine
  • Eye strain
  • Sinus headache
  • Dehydration headache

Temples (side of your head)

  • Tension headaches
  • Ice-pick headache
  • Cervicogenic headache

Back of your Head

  • Cervicogenic headache
  • Tension headache
  • Dehydration headache


  • Tension-type headache
  • Ice pick headache
  • Cough headache
  • Exertion headache
  • Coital (intercourse) headache

One Side

  • Migraines
  • Cluster headaches

Headache Definitions
Cervicogenic headaches, one of the most common headache causes in the back of head, stems from the joints at the top of the neck.
Cluster headaches, which affect more men than women, are recurring headaches that occur in groups or cycles. They appear suddenly and are characterized by severe, debilitating pain on one side of the head, and are often accompanied by a watery eye and nasal congestion or a runny nose on the same side of the face.
Coital headaches, also known as “sexual headaches,” occur at the base of the skull before orgasm during sexual activity. These headaches usually have an immediate onset, with some gradually worsening during sexual intercourse. They typically last for a few minutes to a few hours.
Dehydration headaches may occur at the front or back or just on one side of the head, or it may be felt throughout the entire head. Bending the head down or moving it from side to side often worsens the headache. Simply walking can cause more head pain, LeWine noted.
Exertion headaches occur during or after sustained, strenuous exercise. Activities associated with exercise headaches include running, rowing, tennis, swimming and weightlifting.
Ice-pick headaches will often cause repeated sharp pains in the temples.
Migraines tend to cause one-sided pain, throbbing pain, moderate-to-severe pain, and pain that interferes with, is worsened by, or prohibits routine activity. Additionally, nausea and/or vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound can accompany pain.
Sinus headaches are associated with a deep and constant pain in the cheekbones, forehead, or bridge of the nose. The pain usually intensifies with sudden head movement or straining. The pain is usually accompanied by other sinus symptoms, such as nasal discharge, feeling of fullness in the ears, fever, and facial swelling.
Tension headaches, the most common type of headache, feels like a constant ache or pressure around the head, generally on both sides of the head.