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Confederate Monuments Advisory Committee To Meet

The second meeting for the advisory committee to review street names and city-owned monuments linked to the Confederacy in the City of Atlanta is set for Wednesday at 6 p.m. at Atlanta City Hall. The first committee meeting was held on October 18.
During the initial meeting, Mayor Kasim Reed addressed the committee and members were sworn in and charged with developing a plan for the street names and markers linked to the Confederacy. As well, Co-committee chairs were also selected with Sheffield Hale of the Atlanta History Center and Derreck Kayongo of Center for Civil and Human Rights nominated to serve in heading capacities. This week’s forum, as well as the meeting to be held on November 8, will be open to the public and attendees will have an opportunity to provide input. Final discussions and the adoption of the report which outlines recommendations for the handling of landmarks will take place on November 13.
City of Atlanta Chief Equity Officer Royce Brooks and Atlanta Urban Design Commission Executive Director Doug Young will serve as liaisons to the committee and provide resources to guide the final recommendations as needed.
Following the tragic events in Charlottesville, Virginia, renewed attention was placed on markings and street names in Atlanta linked to the Confederacy, calling for their removal. Mayor Reed worked to assemble a group of advisors to recommend a process with community input and determine the future of the street names and markers.

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