Not surprisingly, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump provided many moments made for mocking during the 90-minute political battle that was dedicated to Trump’s 2005 vulgar remarks about women to Billy Bush that were caught on tape and recently made public.
During the conversation that took place before they filmed an Access Hollywood segment, Trump boasted about how he uses his star power to assert himself over women and would grab their genitals and other areas because he was famous.
The 70-year-old reiterated his statement that it was just “locker-room banter” when he was questioned over his vile comments by debate moderator Anderson Cooper and tried to convey:
“I have great respect for women — no one has more respect for women than I do.”
Voters were quick to poke fun at him for this, his sniffling issues and the bizarre and creepy stance he took behind Clinton, 68.
They mocked him for appearing to “hump” a chair and made plenty of jokes about Clinton’s refusal to shake his hand when the debate began.
Take a look at the funniest memes from Sunday night’s debate.
Is he dry-humping that chair?#debate
— Arnie Niekamp (@misterarnie) October 10, 2016