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All charges against Baltimore police officers dropped in Freddie Gray case (video)

Freddy Gray
Freddie Gray

Maryland state attorney for the Baltimore city Marilyn Mosby exploded upon the national consciousness as a firecracker prosecutor who vowed vehemently that she would seek justice against the six Baltimore officers allegedly responsible for the death of Freddie Gray while in their custody.
Gray, who was chased down by a set of officers and turned up at the station dead after breaking his spinal cord during the ride, incited days of riots and national protest against vigilante/racist officers and others accused of gross negligence of duty, at the least.
Marilyn Mosby, Maryland state attorney for Baltimore City.

But after heartbreaking introspection and discussion with her legal team, Mosby decided to drop the charges against the final three officers after the others were all exonerated of all charges. All of the cops were “vindicated” during a judge trial —  instead of a jury trial — and Mosby deduced the outcome would be any different against the final three officers.
Listen to Mosby as she delivers an impassioned news conference on why the officers are all free to return to their normal lives despite the fact that one man remains dead during a routine arrest.
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Source: ABC News YouTube page

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