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Sarah Silverman blasts #BernieOrBust supporters and celebrities praise her

sarah silverman
Actress and comedian Sarah Silverman is a die-hard Bernie Sanders fan and reiterated this fact on the first night on stage of the Democratic National Convention.
However, she also said that she is now supporting presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton — since she did win the primaries — and called out the #BernieOrBust supporters, also known as Bernie Sanders’ fanatical supporters, and bluntly dismissed them with this single line: “To the Bernie-or-Bust-people: you’re being ridiculous!”
Celebrities from around the country stormed onto Twitter to congratulate and praise Silverman for what they viewed as imprudent and, occasionally, irrational opposition to Clinton because Sanders lost in the primaries and that they would abdicate their citizens’ duties to engage in the political process.
Take a look at how Silverman came across and then view a sampling of the celebrity praise for Silverman’s phrase:
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Source: C-Span YouTube




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