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Black man punched by white man at Donald Trump rally (video)

The complaints against Donald Trump are mountainous and multi-pronged. But arguably the biggest outcry against the brash billionaire baron and front-running Republican presidential candidate is his blatant and unapologetic willingness to court to the lowest common denominator in human beings and attract the scum and scourge of the earth into his campaign tent.
The Donald seems unconcerned with violence at his rallies, particularly with whites committed cowardice acts of volatility. This latest sees a black demonstrator being led away by sheriff’s deputies when suddenly he is sucker punched by a dastardly white man.
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Most disturbingly is the fact that while the black man was on the ground, he was surrounded by sheriffs deputies and officers walked by the white man who threw the surprise punch. This follows a Trump rally last week where a black female protester was shoved repeatedly by a white males while she was being escorted out of a rally.

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