Donna More Set to Lay out Her Plan to Fight Gun Violence
Backed by Families of Shooting Victims
With Chicago gun violence at near epidemic levels, Cook County State’s Attorney candidate Donna More is launching a major initiative to combat gun violence. More will layout her plan during a news conference Monday morning at Chicago City Hall.
More will be joined by family members of gun violence victims and community activists as she reveals her priorities for the Neighborhood Safety Alliance. The NSA will be a comprehensive, countywide approach to dealing with runaway gun violence.
“I believe strongly that the best way to end the madness of gun violence is through an aggressive and relentless campaign of community activism with me, as State’s Attorney, taking the lead”, says More.
More adds that as State’s Attorney she will provide the sorely needed leadership to bring together community groups, clergy, other political leaders and law enforcement in a well-coordinated effort to get illegal guns out of our neighborhoods.