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Illinois Child Care and Home Healthcare Bills Passed: Saves Working Families

IMG_0477SPRINGFIELD– Today the Illinois House of Representatives voted on critical pieces of legislation that affect working families, such as SB 570, to stop Gov. Bruce Rauner’s attacks on Illinois’ Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) which have denied care to some 70,000 children.
The House also took up and voted on HB 2482, a bill to protect over 34,000 seniors and people with disabilities from Rauner’s attempt to limit the choices that consumers have between home healthcare and nursing home services by raising the DON (Determination of Need) score, which determines eligibility.
In response, Keith Kelleher, President of SEIU Healthcare Illinois issued the following statement:
“Governor Bruce Rauner swiftly and dramatically changed course to halt his attacks on Illinois’ child care and home care programs.  We give credit to our incredible child care providers, the parents whom they serve, as well as to our home healthcare workers and the seniors and adults with disabilities whom they support and empower every day. We are also proud to stand with our community partners and allies in protecting vital services.
“The fact that Illinois’ Child Care Assistance Program and Community Care Program will continue is a testament to their perseverance in fighting back against Gov. Rauner’s extreme agenda.

Governor Rauner issued the following statement following today’s action in the General Assembly:

“I want to thank General Assembly members on both sides of the aisle who helped craft and ensure reasonable and responsible compromises to the issues addressed today. As a result of their efforts, now we are able to move forward on providing child care for working families in a more financially-responsible way, and we are able to continue our long-term transformation towards better and community-based care for our seniors.

“This week, we were also able to reach an agreement on unemployment insurance reform so we can take a small step forward in our effort to make Illinois more competitive and grow jobs. I urge the legislature to act on this legislation as soon as possible and send the unemployment insurance reform bill to my desk.



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