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Atlanta-based 'To Be a Woman Inc.' launches global empowerment program

In the month of September, “To Be A Woman Inc.” launches its highly-anticipated “To Be A Woman Global Empowerment Platform.” This Platform is the foundation of all empowerment principles and programs: empowering oneself from within to break through all that holds you back while remaining fiercely loyal to your True Self to follow your Higher Purpose. This is the most freeing and powerful form of empowerment: self empowerment.
According to To Be A Woman Inc.’s Founder and CEO, Vanda Teixeria, true empowerment comes from within; it comes from unlocking our own personal codes of truth and wisdom that hold the key to bringing our deepest wishes and dreams to life. The To Be A Woman Global Empowerment Platform focuses on you.
Teixeira is an award-winning businesswoman and entrepreneur and is a leading global expert on empowerment and personal power. She has created two groundbreaking programs: a monthly membership program open globally to all women and a program for women in business focusing on higher-conscious leadership. Both are for women who are ready.
“Are you ready?” Teixeira asks, “Because if you are ready, you will discover you, the one who has all the answers within. These Programs will take you to a higher awareness of yourself, so you can follow your Higher Purpose and be the change on purpose.”
Sign-ups for these programs are taking place at

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