Black Tea Party leader blasts #blacklivesmatter, makes conspiracy claims

innisoreilly-660x400Niger Innis, the Executive Director of the and CORE National spokesperson, was critical of the #BlackLivesMatter movement during a media appearance. Innis was a guest of’sThe Hard Line with Ed Berliner and called members of the movement “anarchists” and “socialists” before packing on a conspiracy-heavy angle.
Innis began by answering Berliner’s question if the situation in Ferguson, Mo. is markedly better than it was a year ago and what has transpired in the time since the shooting death of unarmed Black teen Michael Brown. Innis responded by mentioning that Black residents of Ferguson have become far more politically engaged while also adding that authorities and elected officials in the town are coming together.
However, Innis swiftly shifted gears by criticizing Ferguson and other small municipalities in the state of using fines as a means to raise funds for their districts. That claim has been a common refrain from Black residents of these small districts and has been the centerpiece of understandable concern.
Innis then launched his criticism of the #BlackLivesMatter activists, which named Hungarian billionaire and liberal philanthropist Soros as its main benefactor. Raw Story, which covered the Innis’ appearance on Berliner’s show, has more:
“Then you have to look at the other perspective where you’ve got these George Soros-funded anarchists like the #BlackLivesMatter campaign and other such anarchists and socialists,” he said.
“Why do we never hear that they’re funded by Soros?” asked Berliner. “You’re one of the only people who will say that out loud.”
“Because they’ve been intimidated,” Innis said. The Democratic Party, he went on, needs to replace its donkey mascot with MSNBC’s Al Sharpton. “They have become the party of Al Sharpton.”
Innis was unrelenting in his critique, calling the BLM movement “little thugs” and frowning upon their disruption of media appearances by Democratic presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, and Hilary Clinton.Curiously enough, Innis says that the only way race matters will be handled correctly is a hope that the incoming president in 2016 will not be intimated by BLM.

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