Even though comedian Maya Rudolph has not been on “Saturday Night Live” for several years now, people constantly approached her in public about doing an impression on Rachel Dolezal, the infamous former chapter president of the NAACP in Spokane, Wash.
Dolezal is the Caucasian woman who created a national firestorm of controversy when she camouflaged her appearance in order to pass as a black woman for more than a decade — and even taught Africana Studies at Eastern Washington University and sat on a police oversight committee in defense of black residents.
Rudolph appeared on “Late Night with Seth Meyers” Monday, and both former cast members of “Saturday Night Live,” broached the Dolezal fiasco.
“I’ve been getting that thing kind of on a daily basis with Rachel Dolezal. … I remember Tina saying when Sarah Palin was happening, everyone kept saying, ‘You gotta be Sarah Palin,'” Rudolph said. “It happens to me every day. People are like, ‘It’s too bad you haven’t been on ‘SNL’ since 2007. You have to play this lady.'”
After discussing it for awhile, Rudolph donned a wig and gave a funny impersonation of Dolezal that audiences craved. Take a look:
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