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Kanye and Samsung Unintentionally Boost Sales of Rivals

Kanye West (Valerie Macon/AFP/Getty Images)
Kanye West (Valerie Macon/AFP/Getty Images)

As Beck received his Album of the Year award at the Grammys, Kanye West jumped on stage to presumably do what he did to Taylor Swift 5 years before. This time, however, he did an about face, but was not shy sharing his views (that Beyonce should have won the award) in media interviews backstage. As it turns out, Beck should thank him. Why? From all the media exposure of Kanye’s rant, Beck’s album sales shot up 1342 percent.
Beck wins the trifecta
Luckily for Beck, his album sales benefitted from the promotional trifecta – (1) winning a major award, (2) getting more media attention and exposure, and (3) receiving sympathy from an unwarranted and unfair attack from the “Attila the Hun” of the music business. Of course, Beck got a brand assist from Taylor Swift as a result of her parallel experience five years ago.
Apple gets an assist from Samsung
While seemingly unrelated, Apple is getting a similar assist from Samsung, which announced the release of its Galaxy S6 smartphone on March 1st. By all accounts, Samsung has borrowed a lot more than the number “6” from Apple. As with Apple, it is making its new smartphone from aluminum and glass; it is launching Samsung Pay, which reportedly functions in a similar way to Apple Pay; and it is copying Apple’s use of an authentication chip to prevent 3rd-parties from making unauthorized options.
What disparaging and copying does for competitors
What Samsung and Kanye don’t seem to understand is that when you copy or disparage rivals, it typically helps them succeed. There are many reasons why this is the case.
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