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3 Etiquette tips for Valentine’s Day

valentines-chocolateRochester Hills, MI February 9, 2015 – “With Valentine’s Day around the corner, my email box has been flooded with questions about proper etiquette for this specific holiday and my answers have all boiled down to about three points,” says Josephine Dries, only one of a handful of certified Protocol and Etiquette experts in the state of MI, and founder of Insert Catchy Headlines.

“Valentine’s Day giving should directly correspond with your relationship with the receiver,” says Josephine. “Even in a close office environment, one would fulfill proper etiquette by gifting a smaller gift (no more than $5) to everyone in the office and would not need to pick out a specific gift for each individual. If you have a personal assistant, male or female, a little something extra for that individual is always appropriate. Unless you are in a romantic relationship with the individual in the office, avoid any semblance of romance in a gift, make it a friendly gesture.”

“Who are the ones in a room we are most drawn to speak with? Qualities others want to be around are humility, confidence and authority; be that person during this season, more than any other,” says Josephine. “When you make your entrance, find and go directly to the host and thank them for hosting. Make eye contact, and smile, as you walk through the room, so you do not look lost; and, remember, beginning with gratitude is always effective.”

“Proper clothing etiquette is forever in question in business environments. If appropriate to your environment, then, by all means, add a little Red to your wardrobe on that day – be it in the form of socks, tie, jewelry or accessories – make a statement,” says Josephine. “My favorite explanation of proper etiquette is the one that states you are in the best etiquette standing when you make others feel the most comfortable. Dressing the part will help tear down defenses, welcome dialogue and make others feel at ease with you.”
“I have been asked a myriad of other questions about proper etiquette for this holiday, on both the social and business etiquette fronts, and I am happy to answer those. Indeed, etiquette is a lost art and there isn’t much that can make up for a lack of tact and consideration. Balance needs to be implemented in a world that is so caught up in itself. Committing to bringing proper protocol back into your world will not only attribute to your personal standing, but to the landscape of the world as a whole,” says Josephine.

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