North Korea Responsible for Sony Email Leaks, FBI Says

sony the interview
As has been suspected by a number of government pundit and tech experts, the North Korean government is responsible for the cyber attack that leaked scores of embarrassing emails from Sony Pictures, the U.S. Department of Justice reports.
The FBI is confirming North Korea used specialized malware to infiltrate the secret emails of executives at Sony Pictures as a response to their movie The Interview (photo above) that had the main characters being asked to assassinate the North Korean dictator. The promise of terrorism at theaters that played The Interview scared theater owners from showing the film. Sony Pictures acquiesced to the backlash and canceled the Christmas premiere of the film, angering a score of celebrities.
The Bureau, according to CNN, said they are treating the hack as an act of terrorism intended to “inflict significant harm on a U.S. business and suppress the right of American citizens to express themselves.”
The FBI also said Sony execs were correct to contact the Justice Department within hours of the cyber attack.
President Obama is scheduled to hold a press conference on Friday afternoon, Dec. 19.
Stay tuned to further details.

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