Breaking: Ferguson Decision to Indict Officer Darren Wilson Coming This Week

A member of the St. Louis County Grand Jury reportedly (illegally) leaked the fact that the decision on whether to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, the man who shot  college-bound teenager Michael Brown six times, is coming this week.
This decision would be more than two months earlier than the previous deadline of January and puts the city of Ferguson, the county of Saint Louis and the entire country on edge. The police department has already announced a comprehensive plan to shut down the city with military weapons in the event of a mass uprising if Wilson is not charged with murder.
Media outlets have divulged the verdict will be announced by this weekend at the latest, and more than likely on Friday evening after the schools have long been closed to minimize any potential casualties and collateral damage.
Check out what the Ferguson Police Department, the St. Louis County Sheriffs Department and the Missouri State Police have planned in case demonstrators willingly express their First Amendment Rights of peaceful protests and demonstrations.

  • Military assets such as heavily armored vehicles are being stored at Scott Air Force Base and McConnell Air Force Base in Kansas.
  • The Missouri National Guard is on high alert and last week reserved 100 hotel rooms in downtown St. Louis.
  • A Northrop Grumman Global Hawk RQ-4 arial drone has been assigned to monitor and possibly block communications.
  • There are 300 homeland security vehicles parked in a three-story underground garage in St. Louis
  • Ferguson is reportedly being monitored by Fusion Center. The center acts as an early warning station for terrorism in Ferguson.
  • There are 24 agencies getting orders from federal agencies.

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