Michael Brown’s Mother Leslie McSpadden May be Facing Felony Charges

Michael Brown's Mother Leslie McSpadden May be Facing Felony Charges
Uh oh, this is NOT a good look.
Leslie McSpadden, the mother of Michael Brown, the teenager who was killed by Ferguson, Mo officer Darren Wilson, could find herself in court.
She has been accused of leading others to attack and steal money from a group selling “Justice for Mike Brown” merchandise.
According to the NY Daily News, if McSpadden is charged, she could face felony armed robbery charges.
One of the people in the group that was attacked was McSpadden’s ex mother-in-law, Pearlie Gordon. Gordon says she was knocked down by the group that McSpadden led. The report says approximately $2,000 in merchandise and cash were taken by the group.
“You can’t sell this s–t,” Gordon claims McSpadden told her during the altercation.
And guess who’s investigating the case? Why that would be none other than the Ferguson police department. We’ll have to wait and see if they decide to charge McSpadden.

You can get more at the NY Daily News.
Read more at https://www.eurweb.com/2014/11/michael-browns-mother-leslie-mcspadden-may-be-facing-felony-charges/#o44ufye9Yx5La8EI.99

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