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Fox News Says It's 'Obvious' Black Teens are to Blame for 'Dangerous' Neighborhoods

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This is the kind of person who Fox News loves. An African American conservative from Missouri guested on the Tucker Carlson show to forward the theory that black Democrats, weary and wary of white liberalism and white paternalism and race-pimping inside the party, are beginning to turn toward the GOP as a political safe haven from the so-called do-nothing Dems.
Blacksphere Executive Director Kevin Jackson also told Carlson blacks are turning a deaf ear to black Democratic leaders who are still crying about civil rights violations some 80 years after blacks initially left the Republican Party for the Democratic Party in droves during the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration.
“It is a sign that there is a kink in the armor here,” Jackson began, according to Raw Story. “And the fact of the matter is, when these people were out protesting, I asked the question, who are you protesting against? When you talk about civil rights violations, when the president is black, the attorney general is black, the head of Homeland Security is black.”
“There’s not a white Republican boogey man to blame. So, yeah, it’s about time that these folks woke up and said let’s starting looking at results.”
Jackson, who said he lives in a black neighborhood, said he does not fear the police in metropolitan St. Louis but the young black criminal element stalking neighborhoods in search of prey and making the urban communities unsafe. He said that “in most cases in the history of black people, we’ve been touched by other white folks. I’m a perfect example of that, where they’ve done really great things to help you.
“So, it isn’t about color, it’s about character, and it’s about people that you culturally mesh with,” he added. “And the unfortunate thing is blacks have taken themselves out and not wanted to be part of the American culture.”
Carlson eagerly offered the theory that many black Democrats see Republicans as “racists.”
“That is a meme that is unfortunately permeating through the black community,” Jackson, who agreed with Carlson’s sentiments. “But you’re starting to see that crack. Because eventually when you’ve been kept down, and you start seeing the results, eventually you’ve got to wake up.”
Continuing on, Jackson added that “black neighborhoods are not safe. And it isn’t because of cops, it’s because of black teens. It’s because of black crime. So at some point, the reality hits you. If you’re running the gauntlet to get to work or to get to school, it’s not cops stopping you, it’s the people in your neighborhood.”
Carlson almost gleefully agreed with Jackson’s pronouncements.
“You just said something I couldn’t say, that most people couldn’t,” Carlson noted. “We’re living in an age where you’re not allowed to say obvious things, and you kind of have to conform.”
Watch the video in its entirety.
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