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Stress and Health

STRESSED—Eighty-five percent of college students say they are stressed, according to a poll conducted by the Associated Press in partnership with mtvU. (AP Photo/File)

How often do you hear or say the words, “I’m stressed out”? It’s probably many times and with good reason. We don’t always take the time to relax or “de-stress.” Dealing with stress is something we feel we can put off. But we shouldn’t.
“Stress is a danger to both mental and physical health,” says Bruce Rabin, MD, PhD, professor of pathology and of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He’s a well-recognized expert in the effects of stress on health.
Stress makes people feel tense in their bodies and minds, but that’s not all. Our bodies use stress to help us escape from danger. When the danger is over, we can relax. However, many events in life cause us stress, and they don’t readily go away. Worrying about the health and education of young children is an example. Continued, or chronic, stress is what causes disease.
“When people experience chronic stress, parts of the brain become activated,” says Dr. Rabin. “When these stress-reactive brain areas are activated, the concentration of several hormones in the blood increases. The increased concentration of the stress hormones is what affects mental and physical health.”

The effects of stress on the body can lead to an increased risk for many health problems, including:
•high blood pressure
•digestive problems
•heart disease
•weight gain
•memory and learning difficulties
•sleep problems
•difficulty managing diabetes
Given that stress can alter health, it makes sense to know exactly how to increase our abilities to cope with stress. If we are better able to cope with stress, it will be more difficult for the stress-reactive brain areas to become activated. Then, when we experience stress, there will be less of an elevation of the stress hormones and better mental and physical health.
Dr. Rabin recommends the following behaviors to help lower the effects of stress on health:
1. Have a social support system—Try not to deal with stressful events alone. Have a friend, loved one or clergyperson available for sympathetic listening. Spend time with people you enjoy being with.
2. Positive outlook on life—Be optimistic that things will go well.
3. Sense of humor—Remember, laughter really is the best medicine.
4. Healthy lifestyle—Maintain a healthy weight, be physically active, keep a normal routine and get plenty of sleep.
5. Avoid drugs and alcohol—These may reduce stress but only for a little while. In the long term, they may actually add to stress.
6. Seek professional counseling—A professional can work with you to manage and cope with stress.
It’s important for everyone to realize that stress can be physically damaging, and learning how to cope with and manage it is necessary for overall health. Stress isn’t something to brush aside or deal with another day.
UPMC’s Healthy Lifestyle Program, of which Dr. Rabin is director, offers information and education on the effects of stress and how to cope with it.
For more information about the program, call 800-533-UPMC (8762) or e-mail

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